22 September 2008


I am in the midst of preparing my next video installation, GUARDIANS (working title) which focuses on guardians of the musical cultural heritage of humanity + their significant role in contemporary society today.

The series is about the invaluable role of musical cultural heritage as a factor of bringing human beings closer together and ensuring cultural diversity, exchange and understanding among them.

This is a continuation of the SAFEGUARDING series (which was my Berlin solo show earlier this year). It is really something to be directly involving my love of music on this project, the more I continue on it, the stronger it feels as a work and the more joy I experience from it.

These are 3-D images of the installation (7 screens in total) done by my friend Tamara Friebel ( Australian composer / architect)... she is the composer of SUFFRAGI, the 5 part string-quartet based on 5 asylum seeker's stories (from Diana Matar's LEAVE TO REMAIN) with Evguenia Chtchelkova (choreography) and myself on video.

more to come... I'm busy packing my bags, sorting out film equipment and finalising administration (ho-hum)... flying to Singapore on Wednesday then to south India to prepare first installation of the GUARDIANS work (focusing on the sacred texts of the Vedas).

"Great sages converted the still music of the Universe into the Vedas."
Sri Sakthi Amma

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