11 February 2009

living 1

Last week I was diagnosed with cancer, something I never ever thought I would have to deal with... 

I have refrained from working (a giant step for mankind...) and am focusing on the healing process.  My world network have been amazing support and, as I go through the deep experience of being faced with such a journey, I will share some things my loved ones send me. 

To giggle is an important part of my day.

This giggle was sent to me from the lovely Paul Gazzola, performance artist based in Berlin, with comment "attached is the best interpretation of a painting I have seen in years."

1 comment:

eddy carroll said...

My heart sank when I read the first line of your post.
Cancer. It doesn't stop striking. I send you via this comment, a squeeze to your arm.
YMCA- gorgeous, as is to laugh in the face of adversity.