14 July 2008

où est passé le 14 juillet?

OU EST PASSE LE 14 JUILLET? is a short film I made in 2005, produced by le G.R.E.C. (Groupe de Recherches et d’Essais Cinématographiques : http://www.grec-info.com) looking at symbols of the French nation and how the meaning of these symbols have shifted within their contemporary context.

The vision is that of an Australian with a French mother/ British father and the starting point of the plot is the village where my mother presently lives in. To lighten the narrative, I chose the character of a detective to discover why the national day (14th July) was not celebrated in this little village in the south-west of France.

The film was screened at various festivals and also at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

Sorry for those who don't speak french... there are no subtitles...

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