06 March 2008


FIVE STORIES is a 5 part dance video piece inspired from photographer, Diana Matar´s series : 

Based on texts from Diana´s work, we have chosen five stories of asylum seekers in the UK.

The collaboration includes:
Tamara Friebel, composer from Melbourne based between Cambridge and Vienna.
Evguenia Chtchelkova, choreographer and dancer originally from Moscow, based in Lyon France and working all over the place.
And myself with the video camera.

Genia just spent the last three days in Berlin where we filmed the second part of the series. 
Each choreography, created and performed by Genia takes place on a bridge in a different city in Europe.  This piece, titled "anonymous" is a string quartet composed by Tamara Friebel.


Here is the text for STORY 2 - ANONYMOUS

"I could see what happened in Somalia to our friends and to our relatives.  And it is still in my mind hoy the militias took things bz force and killed people and I cannot get these things out of my mind.   

Seventeen times I had a gun to my head in Somalia. 

Seventeen times someone said to me ´run, run´and I lived.

I feel for all people everyhere who are afraid, who are intimidated. Even the young children who are bullied in school.  After what i have seen and what I have lived through, I still, when I am by myself and all alone, wonder why we don´t understand eachother."


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